Monday 11th June 2018 Trevor Mclaren (Centre) and Karen Mclaren, presenting cheque for the sum of £500.00, on behalf of BCVA to Mr Desmond Clarke, General Secretary of the Jamaica Legion.
Pat May (second from left) and members of Wolverhamptocouncil after civic service on sunday 3rd June.
BCVA members and guests l to r. Gilmour Smith, Wayne Howell, Fred Coke, Cliff Walker, Bert Stuart, Auriel and Rudie Small.
Black Tie event 2018 at Tally Ho, Birmingham.
Sue Liburd MBE Guest speaker
MC Cliff Walker and Guest speaker assess events so far
Mr and Mrs Small
Saxaphonist Samantha-Jayne entertained guests throughout the dinner session.
Mr and Mrs Mayers
Mr and Mrs Stuart
2015 Black Tie Event l to r Fred Coke, Cliff Walker MBE,MC , Alphea Wiggins Depputy High Commissioner for Barbados, Captain Christopher Walker, Army Air Corps, Bert Stuart and FLT LT Wayne Howells.
Matt Houston, wellfare officer, He never misses a member's birthday and brings in a cake to celebrate that special occasion.
Merlean and Chairman Fred Coke
BCVA members at WASP dinner and dance on 2/11/2013 in Camberwell, London.
Bert Stuart with Members of the Barbados Legion November 2014
Max Springer ex Royal Signals.
Band of Barbados Defence Force Remembrance day 2014.The BDF Band wears uniform of the West India Regiment which was disbanded in 1927.
Vince and Elaine at WASP function on 2/11/2013 in Camberwell, London.
Cordell Hull and Des Garnes, talking cricket?
Gloria, Vee and George Quimena
Valerie Wood, author of Val's Bridge, guest speaker in 2013.
Lynne, Clyde & Christine Pile, BCVA function 2013.
WASP members having Fun in Brum.
Lynne & Bert
BCVA members joined United senior Citizens on a trip at to the RAF Museum Hendon, 25th Februay 2014.
Coach trip to Liverpool Slavery Museum July 2014.
Fred & Merlean
Coach trip to Liverpool Slavery Museum July 2014.
Remembrance day Wolverhampton 2012. Fred Coke, Trevor Mclaren and Pat May
Members and guests at Black Tie Event 2005
Our first Black Tie event held in September 2005.
St.Kitts and Nevis High commisioner accepting cheque
St.Kitts and Nevis High commisioner making speech
Janet Henry, Marjorie Richards (Secretary) Pat James (asst sec)
Chairman Fred Coke and Major Lindsay, 2005 Black Tie Event.
Fred Coke and Major Lindsay
Major Lindsay, 2005
Major Glen Lindsay
Big Owen (Nobby) Grant ex-Matloe
Bernard Francis Manager of F&C Social Club MC for the night.
Fred Ramsey Ex-RAF
Major Lindsey & serving Army personnel at Black Tie event 2005.
Robert Menzies, Janet Henry & Bernard Francis
Mrs Dorothy Lindsay and Marjorie Richards accept bouquet of flowers presented by Stan Bean.
Roy and Pauline Daniels.
Major Glenville Lindsay and Mrs Lindsay
Major Lindsay and other Army personnell at Black Tie event 2005
Tye Chin,Treasurer, Stan Bean OPRO & Fred Coke Chairman.
Sandy Salmon and wife
Sandy Salmon and partner Sep 2005
Two of the waiting staff on the night
Dennis Cox and George Gordon
Elaine( the cook) Guest on the night
Lloyd Blake
Lee Mcdonald and Mary Toussaint
Old boys reunion 2004: front Clive Branford, Bert Allison, Roy Nunes. Rear: (ex-army, lives in surrey) in blue shirt, Sidney Mcfarlane, Bert Stuart & Cliff Walker.